Board Recognitions and Bob Tull Awards!
The Partnership is ever so thankful to have dedicated Board members who help support and stand behind the mission and vision of helping young children in Lincoln and Gaston counties thrive. At this month’s board meeting we gave special recognition to those whose tenure had come to an end. Board Chair-Sarah Miller, Board Members Kimberly Davis (not pictured), Erma Deen Hoyle and Susan McCracken. Erma Deen Hoyle and Susan McCracken also receive the Robert E. Tull Award for their volunteer leadership and community servant hood.
Sarah Miller is the Branch Service Manager for Gaston County Libraries. Sarah is one of the Partnership’s greatest volunteer supporters, during her tenure she assisted greatly with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library (DPIL) implementation and launching event which was held at the Gaston County Library. Sarah is Gaston Counties’ beloved storyteller. Kimberly Davis (not photoed) came to the Partnership board with a wealth of knowledge she was the first licensed, five star, more at four teacher at North Brook Elementary. She served as a principal at Norris Childers Elementary as well as North Brook Elementary School. As of July 1st she was promoted to the Exceptional Children Director of Lincoln County schools. We congratulate Kimberly on her new promotion and wish her all the success on her future endeavors. Erma Deen Hoyle (top photo) worked as the Parks and Recreational Director for Lincoln County. Erma Deen came to the board in 2001 and has served ever since. She’s served faithfully on the Finance Committee, Public Information Awareness and Resource Development. She is a committed volunteer and we are grateful that she continued to serve even after her retirement. Susan McCracken (bottom photo) worked with the Lincoln County Department of Social Services for nearly 20 years. Susan was one of the first Partnership board members which was established in 1999. She served until her retirement in 2018; during her tenture she was also appointed by the Partnership board to the NC Pre- K committee where she served as co-chair for many years. Susan has been a great asset to the Partnership and her community and we are pleased to have had her serve on the Board for so many years.
The Robert E. Tull Award is presented for Outstanding Volunteer Service. This Award was established in the Honor of Robert Eugene “Bob” Tull in 2004. Bob was born in 1935 and passed away in September 2017. He graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and went on to earn his Master’s degree. He served his country as a member of the United States Navy. Bob worked as an engineer and retired as General Manager from the Timken Company. Bob served his community well, as an active member of many organizations and boards, a Hospital Board, which he shared great passion for; Gaston Family Health/Helping Hands, YMCA, Red Cross, Lincoln Cultural Center, Rotary Club, and Gaston College Foundation. Bob had a passion for Education and helping children. He served many hours as a guardian ad litem, volunteered with Communities in Schools as well as serving on the first Board of Directors for the Partnership for Children of Lincoln and Gaston Counties. Bob was the second Chair of the Partnership Board following Betty Gamble, and served as Chair of the Allocations committee for many years. Mr. Tull assisted in many of the Partnership’s first grants.
The Robert E. Tull Award was birthed in an effort to recognize community leader’s selfless service, volunteer support and above and beyond contributions to the community. Mr. Tull modeled volunteer leadership and community servanthood and it is with great pleasure to present our honorees Erma Deen Hoyle and Susan McCracken with this award who have been exemplary examples of Bob Tull’s legacy.